Sunday, 2 October 2011

Research - Skills audit

For my AS practical work, I did lots of research to make a Thriller opening which consisted of:

  • Examples and comparisons of other student thriller openings
  • Examples and comparisons of real Thriller movies
  • Possible shots e.g close ups to make the atmosphere more intense 
  • Watching thriller movies for inspiration
  • Audience target
  • Background history of the 'thriller movie' market
However for this A2 project my skills for research have developed and contrast to that of my AS project. For the Thriller opening, there was a limited theme, but for the music video project, there is more of a sense of an open mind as there is a number of interpretations a song can have, and the video does not have to relate to the lyrics, and relies on repetition and editing to the music rather than the structure of the plot with the addition of the music for the thriller. 

Research for the music video include:
  • Examples and comparisons of other student music videos
  • Examples and comparisons of real music videos
  • Possible camera work such as the camera moving with the music and close ups to things relevant to the lyrics/song
  • Looking at Artist's digipaks as part of marketing (the artwork was not relevant for the thriller project although marketing was important)
  • Audience target
  • Background history of the music industry and comparison to present day and how music videos are affected
My skills in research have developed since the AS project as I can use the background history and compare it to present day in order to prepare for my music video, so that I know how I can improve its overall effect and what its up against competitive wise and how it faces the problems the music industry are in. This means the viewers who watch my music video will feel they are watching something new and modern, even though it has taken elements of past/present examples and turn it into something new and lead the way into new solutions to the music industry.

I have taken more precautions into my research, taking as much useful information as I can to create something original, which is the intention in both projects, but relevant research and as much information that can be obtained is the best way forward and end up with a final product that has a lot of thought into it which can be clearly seen by viewers.

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