Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Filming - Art session

We filmed our friend Steph who does fine art, in one of the art rooms. We asked the art teacher beforehand, who told us we could use the room only if our media teacher (Tony) would be there to supervise us. This would make sure all the health and safety risks are taken care of. It would also useful if we needed advice while filming. We filmed during an admin day, so no class would be using it.

In terms of costume, we told Steph to wear colourful clothing and make up to show that she is creative and looks like an art student.

Camera and observation tricks:

We put acetate over the lens so that the camera is protected from the paint. It looks like Steph is painting on the screen, but she isn't, it gives a 3D impression that she is. We used A1 white card (mounting paper) to paint on in front of another painting, as buying a new Canvas/using one of the art department's would be expensive and not easy to replace.

Painting x2
A1 mount card x2
Canvas stand

Red/Pink top and eye makeup

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